
Newsroom Editor

health wellness

The new consumer outlook on the role of brands is driving two major transformations in the health ecosystem. On one side, focus on convenience and the expectation that, to some extent, every brand in any industry vertical will also have a focus on health is creating a landscape in which established healthcare players are competing more directly with lifestyle and technology companies. On the other, the elevated mandate that consumers are assigning to brands means that corporations are expected to take concrete action in making access to health more equal.

This can only become a reality when the blockers that are preventing easier access to care are removed. We call this the ‘persistence of care’ - making health products and services always accessible and seamlessly available as consumers’ and practitioners’ actions evoke them at any point of the health journey.

Brands that enable this type of ubiquitous health-focused support will meet consumers with the convenience they expect in a world that becomes progressively more digitized and ‘shoppable’ each day. At the same time, they will live up to the elevated mandate consumers are assigning to them.

Get your copy of our latest white paper, produced in partnership with InStep Health to learn how a continuum of connections across the health journey can bring this vision to life