In our regular series five minutes with, we catch up with parents and carers across our network to hear how they are adjusting to life working from home.  

Anna Blackwell, Client MD, Dentsu X shares her tips and tricks for new daily routines.

What new processes or routine have you adopted whilst working from home and taking care of your child / children? 

The ultimate tag team at the moment. We are currently 2 hours on and 2 hours off, but may split this to one having Evie in the morning and one in the afternoon. We are learning as we go along to be honest. A sandpit and painting easel has revolutionised our life lols!

What are you finding most surprising about your new routine? 

Getting to know the team and clients better, seeing them at home and their chosen isolation attire!

How quickly you can adapt when you have too, don’t get me wrong a few tears have been shed, but by working as a team anything is possible! Wine also helps!

Not so much surprised, but how accommodating people are being, valuing peoples time and so appreciative of work you’re managing to do.                                    

Do you have any tips or ideas for other parents or carers across Dentsu to help with their daily routines? 

Be honest about what you can and can’t do – no one with judge you!

Ask for help from colleagues if you need it – everyone is already a superhero parent or not, so ask for help