The Superpowers Index

The largest ever global study of B2B buying behaviour.​

We admit it – we are obsessed about B2B buyers and what drives them.​

Four years ago, we started a journey to understand the B2B buyer better, asking B2B buyers about their recent purchase experiences. We wanted to understand what was making the difference between winning and losing. And we wanted to go into detail we didn't see in other studies.  

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We set out to understand

The drivers behind B2B buying decisions

What’s important to buyers and what makes the difference between winning and losing.

The B2B buying journey

Who’s involved and what makes a difference to them at each stage.

Commercial impact

How improving the buying experience drives commercial outcomes.

To do that we interviewed


B2B buyers globally


B2B brand experiences across four industries

The Superpowers Index helps us look at B2B buying from multiple perspectives

In this year’s index, we reveal what truly drives B2B buying decisions by identifying three major trends that are making the difference between winning and losing for B2B brands. Read the full report now:

Download the latest Superpowers Index

Link to Download the latest Superpowers Index