How do companies reach you without using cookies?
Every day we are 'pursued' by advertisements for products we have already bought or no longer intend to acquire. The often careless way in which the market, in general, has operated and still operates campaigns has led to the depreciation of cookies. With the deactivation of these third-party data in full swing, over the past 12 months, brands have been concerned with facing strategic and critical technology decisions, with ramifications that involve much of the company. This scenario becomes even more challenging when we add an important fact: in a context of growing legislation, Gartner estimates that 75% of the world's population will have their personal data protected under modern privacy regulation by the end of 2024. Adding to this recipe, the fact that we like and want to continue to be impacted by advertising, as long as it is suitable for our interests and moment.
Every day, in addition to Google, more browsers and operating systems disable their cookies while consumers reject their collection. In trial and error, many publishers have found new creative ways to monetize their content through logged-in areas, for example. This increase in adoption of the so-called paywall comes with better tracking of the real identity that brings greater data quality, compliance with legislation, secure privacy, and much more controllable
So, yes, with the end of cookies, other technologies have evolved to meet this demand, but I don't believe that a new technology will emerge soon that will work the miracle of replacing them. Existing technologies are being improved and consolidated in the ecosystem, being better explored by players - media outlets, agencies, advertisers. This is the case with CDP (Customer Data Platform) and contextual segmentation solutions, for example. Just like cookies, they will be assertive as long as they are used correctly.
Technologies should guide and assist customers who adopt them - whether they are media outlets, advertisers, or agencies - to adapt to the LGPD, in the case of Brazil, by collecting user consent and being transparent about the purpose of collecting their data. In this sense, other technologies have spread in the market, such as the CMP (Consent Management Platform). In addition to knowing and adapting to the LGPD, brands must invest in the collection and management of 1st party data (proprietary data), offering benefits to their customers in exchange for their data and being transparent about their use. However, while diversifying and combining data sources in this way is a powerful tool, implementing, using, and maintaining the technologies behind them is complex. For this, it will be necessary to invest in new solutions, not only for collection but also for analysis and subsequent measurement. And no platform will solve all the needs; the solutions will complement each other.
It has become a cliché to say that 'data is the new oil.' And it's true! There has always been the possibility of working with data, but few knew how to do it. Most preferred not to venture down this path because it is complex and hard work. The scenario has changed. Now, if a brand wants to engage with its customers, it will have no choice and will have the extra 'spice' of being in compliance with data laws. And to not fall behind in this race, it is not enough to just find oil. You need to know how to manage data, activate your audience, and measure your performance. One thing is certain, and I'll end with another cliché: there are only benefits in this strategy, and this time, for all stakeholders. If you had never heard that phrase before, then it's good to prepare because there will be a shortage of fuel.
Published at Epoca Negocios: