APAC Ad Spend 2024 | The Rise of Ecosystems

Mimi Lu

Head of Strategy, Media APAC | dentsu

In the Asia-Pacific region, the rapid evolution of digital ecosystems like Google, Meta, TikTok, and WeChat presents unique opportunities and challenges. As these platforms diversify their offerings and deepen their market penetrations, understanding how to leverage them for full-funnel marketing strategies becomes crucial. These powerful ecosystems are where commerce, community, content, and culture converge. This convergence, powered by extensive user engagement and advanced technologies such as AI and AR integration, offers unprecedented opportunities for us to shape new consumer habits and embed brands deeply into culture.

Embracing a Full-Funnel Approach

Traditionally, digital marketing strategies were often segmented by the funnel stage—awareness, consideration, and conversion. However, as these digital platforms evolve, they offer integrated solutions that allow brands to engage with consumers across the entire funnel within a single ecosystem. Each platform within the digital ecosystem possesses unique attributes that can be harnessed for marketing objectives, and these also differ across industries. We leverage our understanding of how consumers navigate between these ecosystems to learn how to orchestrate within the platform but see synergies between platform to stitch a more seamless and frictionless consumer journey. It is also important to recognize the interplay of data and insights that exists between the platforms. This is why we believe having a more holistic and platform-agnostic view allows us to maximize the value of each platform.

Increased Transparency to Understand the Levers of Growth

The world of ecosystems and platforms allow us to have so much more metrics of success than ever. To the point, often marketers don’t know which ones leads to business growth. It is imperative to be able to isolate the drivers of outcomes and the intermediate KPIs that we optimize against to ensure we are driving incremental growth. This goes beyond simply looking at short term sales or media KPIs and long-term brand KPIs. It requires rigorous analytical work to understand the interrelationship of metrics and the hierarchy of influence between a more immediate KPI such as social buzz and its impact on consideration for a luxury brand which leads to increased retail visitation. It is this careful study of these fast-moving metrics and outcomes that will allow us to know the right levers to pivot especially in such moving markets within APAC.

Beyond this, advanced data analytics tools provided by the platforms, such as TikTok’s creative center allows us to integrate the world of creative and content, and influence together. It unveils deeper insights into consumer behavior and pockets of emerging cultural trends that we can leverage on to build more meaningful and stronger connections with people.

Future of Platforms Means Cross Border and Integrated Thinking

The power of these platforms means more than just knowing where to place ads. It involves a deep dive into the data-rich environment of user interactions and platform analytics to identify emerging trends and consumer sentiments. By analyzing these data points, we can anticipate shifts in consumer behavior and adapt their marketing tactics to be more effective and culturally resonant.

Furthermore, we can prioritize metrics that reflect the holistic impact of their campaigns across these platforms. This includes not only tracking sales and leads but also measuring engagement, community growth, and content virality. These metrics provide a more comprehensive view of how well a campaign is embedding into the cultural and social fabric of the region.

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