Dentsu Croatia creates a DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) council
Marketing communications company dentsu Croatia has formed a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) council. The group will work with clients and partners, also internally educating colleagues and crafting new policies.

Dentsu works in Social Impact arena under three main pillars: Sustainable future, Digital for Good and Fair & Open Society. DEI council falls under the last pillar.
Executive sponsor of the team, Chief Operating Officer Vjeko Srednoselec sees the council as an imperative part of dentsu’s Corporate Social Responsibility agenda. Social Impact programs and being a force for good, gives the business nowadays the ability to function in a society.
-Operating in a modern business environment, we need to be as aware and awake in DEI issues as our clients expect us to be. Be it regarding equality, what solutions we need to develop to be more inclusive, how to create more diverse messages for our clients, or how to be more inclusive as an employer, we are not limiting our council away from any subject.
- In the Adriatic region with a lot of nationalities and communities, thus we need increased sensitivity in what kind of actions and even more concretely mere words we consider to be professional in 2020’s, Srednoselec says.
The members of the DEI council are given the platform to introduce new trainings, policies, and projects, where dentsu will also include its clients to. While the group is driven by multiple arrays of issues under DEI, the group is driven by one subject as its first task.
- People also have a very personal need to update our own knowledge of the inclusive language. All want to be better colleagues, partners, and better allies to all factions of society.
- Despite Croatia being a very western country, there is in addition work to be done in people’s attitudes and acceptance of diversity. We have our work cut out for us, and we look forward also including the NGOs (Non-Governmental Organisation) in Croatia and our dentsu’s regional and global capabilities to the work with us, council member Helena Gollner highlights.
Other members of the council are Senior account manager Marko Likic, Office Manager Jelena Kapetanović and Social Media Manager Luce Anic.
The council will work together also with dentsu Southeast Europe DEI councils, and European and global Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion groups. Read more about our global commitment to DEI.
Recent Social Impact programs from dentsu Croatia also include a website focused on fighting against food wastage, and a program ‘The Code’ where students are educated about digital advertising. Croatia
Dentsu Southeast Europe has also a DEI council in Romania and is a proud signatory of DEI Charters in all its markets.