To navigate a storm, you need a compass.
That's why we are developing clear, actionable thought leadership that helps brands of all shapes and sizes embrace the potential of disruption presented by the current situation.
Check back here regularly for the best insights, podcasts and Live Q&A events to help support your decision making now, plan for the road ahead and protect the future of your business.
Covid 19 Impact in MENA Issue 2
Here’s our latest observations and thoughts on how brands can react to Covid-19 from a marketing, media and comms perspective.
Social media in a world of social distancing
While the spread of coronavirus continues around the world, many businesses are trying to figure out how they can continue with their activity and foremost, how they can overcome the challenges of ...
Covid 19 Weekly Report - Issue 1
Here’s our latest observations and thoughts on how brands can can react to Covid 19 from a marketing, media and comms perspective.
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