Scott Hsia
Managing Director, Merkle Taiwan
With a distinguished career spanning over two decades, this executive has mastered the realm of digital marketing, blending expertise in e-commerce, digital transformation consulting, data-driven decision marketing, and CR-Marketing. Scott Hsia consultancy spans across esteemed brands in retail, fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG), automotive, and beauty sectors worldwide. Scott Hsia have frequently lectured throughout Asia, focusing on membership data asset management strategy and Revenue Science.
In recent times, Scott Hsia has been instrumental in pioneering the Consumer Value Topology and the Customer Asset Management Engineering (CAME) consulting frameworks. Their work has been pivotal in helping corporate brands refine their approaches to Member data asset management and in guiding organizational restructures with a core emphasis on membership asset management. This executive champions the integration of logical data with creative innovation, pushing the boundaries of cross-disciplinary collaboration.