Graduate Diary
| Ronan O’Meara
In my spare time, I generally prefer to follow my favourite football team Liverpool and spend a lot of my time either watching the games or some type of podcast surrounding the club! Despite not playing consistently for a few years now, football remains one of my biggest passions. An interesting fact about me would be that I grew up in Hong Kong which was where I did the entirety of my secondary schooling!
How did you find out about the entry to media programme opportunity?
I was contacted on LinkedIn by Joanne from the people team here in dentsu where she explained a little bit about their Entry To Media Programme and what the process for the programme would entail. From there I did some of my own background research into the company and the industry and came to the conclusion that this was definitely something I would be interested in.
What did you do to prepare for the interview?
Once I reached the interview stage, I actually decided to read the blog posts from the previous entry to media graduates to get a better understanding of what kind of people the company were looking for. From there I reached out to one of the previous graduates in the company on LinkedIn to get a better understanding of the company culture from someone already in the company which I think was highly beneficial for me heading into the interview and eventually the company as a whole. I’d also highly recommend listening to the Inside Marketing podcast here at dentsu to get a better understanding of the industry as well!
What team did you join? Tell us a bit about what you enjoy within the team? Tell us about some of the work you’ve been involved in.
I joined the Amnet Programmatic team after completing the Entry To Media Programme. Learning all about the programmatic side of advertising has been really interesting and has given me a whole new perspective on the industry as a whole! Something I have particularly enjoyed since joining the team was getting to learn a brand-new skillset which is quite unlike anything I have done previously. With Vodafone being my main client, a lot of my work revolves around setting up and reporting on the YouTube campaigns in particular.