registered touch
activation index for those who saw OOH
purchase stimulation index for those who saw OOH
How can we provoke people to think about sustainability when choosing furnishing products and let them know that IKEA is the sustainability leader in home furnishing? Our goals were twofold: informing the target group and establishing dialogue.
We installed a special, interactive citylight equipped with buttons along the most crowded tram line in Budapest. People could play with buttons trying to match the right product with the right sustainable material.
The uniqe installment registered more than 78.000 touch during the 1 month campaign period, which is a remarkable result.
TV and Radio Common Broadcasting
Strategic design for digital customer care
Transforming digital customer interactions by designing a new customer portal for a major public utilities provider
Increasing engagement with digital banking
Erste Bank
Global digital consolidation and relaunch
MTU/Rolls-Royce Power Systems