Dentsu Health is a professional marketing team that committed to provide health and wellness marketing solutions as well as brand building services for Dentsu’s global clients. Seeking opportunities and development for health brands and markets in the new era, Dentsu conducted a comprehensive research and analysis about health population in 2022. Through the multi-dimensional in-depth understanding, Dentsu proposed the model of 5-Power of Wellness to discover modern people’s lifestyles and behavioral characteristics, and analysed the motivation and inspiration of modern people that can be reached by brands.
Recently, Dentsu released "2022-2023 Discovery of China's Big Health Consumers: 5-Power in Creating Health and Wellness" white paper, which introduced “5-Power in Creating Health & Wellness” to interpret modern people’s awakening of wellness in different archetypes and hence inspire brands to reach these groups of consumers. Analysis of the survey outcomes offers insights into the discrepancies among the wellness powers of different generations and populations.
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